Rougefern: William and Dalek friend
Rougefern: Sixth Doctor costume. MY EYES!
Rougefern: Seventh Doctor costume
Rougefern: First Doctor costume
Rougefern: Second Doctor costume
Rougefern: Third Doctor costume
Rougefern: Fourth Doctor costume
Rougefern: Fifth Doctor costume
Rougefern: Eighth Doctor costume
Rougefern: Ninth Doctor costume
Rougefern: Tenth Doctor costume
Rougefern: TARDIS Doors
Rougefern: TARDIS Doors - what's out there...
Rougefern: TARDIS Console Room
Rougefern: Eccleston / Tennant TARDIS console and column
Rougefern: TARDIS Console close up
Rougefern: TARDIS Console close up
Rougefern: Eccleston / Tennant TARDIS Console
Rougefern: Eccleston / Tennant TARDIS interior
Rougefern: Dark TARDIS Console Room
Rougefern: TARDIS Console and central column
Rougefern: TARDIS Console, Davison / Baker era
Rougefern: TARDIS Console Room, column and roundels
Rougefern: TARDIS console room wall, roundels and scarf
Rougefern: Cyberman mk 1
Rougefern: Really early Troughton Cyberman - scariest by a mile
Rougefern: Patrick Troughton era Cyberman
Rougefern: Tom Baker era Cyberman
Rougefern: Davros
Rougefern: Early Dalek model