Rotola: This explains the bruises
Rotola: Cool. but not Wrigley.
Rotola: The Pen #1
Rotola: My favorite person and I
Rotola: ditto
Rotola: Double ditto
Rotola: Where's the arch?
Rotola: Sorry. I got addicted to the scoreboard
Rotola: One weird scoreboard
Rotola: another ditto
Rotola: Good guys win!
Rotola: Put it on the boarrrrrd... YES!
Rotola: CY YOUNG!
Rotola: Indians Hall of Fame
Rotola: Hitten the ball parks again
Rotola: Scott and Mama
Rotola: Willow Man
Rotola: Scotty
Rotola: The crowd was ginormous!
Rotola: The Indians Pen
Rotola: The Jake... I mean ... The Prog
Rotola: What if they threw a game and nobody came?