Rotola: On the way to buy the taste-test-treats
Rotola: We thought about getting her oil changed too
Rotola: Walmart is very safe. No crazies there.
Rotola: Fear disguised as delight
Rotola: Ya gotta go with the puffs
Rotola: Kelli ... the taste test temptress
Rotola: We had a very serious task ahead of us.
Rotola: Her "taste test team" at Walmart
Rotola: Just a small sample of her 1st experiences
Rotola: Cheetos ... personally I love 'em.
Rotola: Elle had to supervise the "Great Swedish Taste Experience"
Rotola: Grape pudding? NO thanks!
Rotola: Don't be fooled. She was very, very afraid.
Rotola: Spitten out the Fig Newtons
Rotola: Slim Jims ... not so much
Rotola: I think she was overwhelmed
Rotola: Geez. I thought she'd LOVE these!
Rotola: Twinkies ... they put some to sleep & they wake some up
Rotola: Cleansing the palatte with crackers & water
Rotola: This stuff was voted nasty
Rotola: I think she's taking a case home to Sweden
Rotola: She was a-m-a-z-e-d by Pop Tarts
Rotola: A humans first bite of "Pigs In A Blanket" is sacred
Rotola: She actually had to tell Texas junk food is GGGRRRREAT!
Rotola: And then theres "Pigs In A Blanket"
Rotola: You don't forget your first sniff of Circus Peanuts. Ever.
Rotola: She was DEEELIGHTED!
Rotola: Circus Peanuts are an international favorite
Rotola: Stuffin her mouth