Ross N.: Tokyo Fishmarket
Ross N.: Old Shogun Tea House
Ross N.: Edo Museum
Ross N.: Edo Museum too
Ross N.: Imperial Palace main entrance - barbarian at the gate-
Ross N.: Imperial gardens
Ross N.: Mejii gate
Ross N.: Richard contemplating seafood
Ross N.: Richard resigned to eating seafood
Ross N.: Ross-san on a stairway to Fuji
Ross N.: Mt Fuji
Ross N.: Patti and Mike at Mt Fuji
Ross N.: Ross at Mt Fuji
Ross N.: Mike and Ross at Mt Fuji
Ross N.: Ross - Richard and Mike after lunch at Hakone
Ross N.: 3 most wanted at Hakone
Ross N.: Richard and mike at Hakone sulfur springs
Ross N.: Pirate cruise boat at Hakone
Ross N.: Patti and Mike schmooze the Pirate Captain
Ross N.: Hakone lake front home
Ross N.: Mike joins the Pirate Mutiny
Ross N.: Richard joins the mutiny
Ross N.: Patti joins Richard in the Mutiny
Ross N.: Richard and Mike on the Ginza
Ross N.: Patti and Mike on the Ginza
Ross N.: Shabu-Shabu dinner
Ross N.: Shabu-Shabu dinner 2
Ross N.: Shabu-Shabu dinner3
Ross N.: Shabu-Shabu dinner4
Ross N.: Richard- Mike-Choung and Ross do Breakfast at Tsukuba