Ross Manges Photography: 43/52 -- Frisbee Craze
Ross Manges Photography: 31/52 -- Intensity
Ross Manges Photography: 26/52 -- Catching Air
Ross Manges Photography: 22/52 -- super dog!
Ross Manges Photography: 5/52 -- harley hates speedlights
Ross Manges Photography: week 1/52 -- a bored dog!
Ross Manges Photography: Sunset at Dog Beach
Ross Manges Photography: nothing like a sand-bath!
Ross Manges Photography: new toy new toy new toy
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4159.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: run and play, run and play, run and play...
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4133.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4122.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4121.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4117.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4107.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4101.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: _MG_4098.JPG
Ross Manges Photography: new toy -- YAY!
Ross Manges Photography: so much work!
Ross Manges Photography: yum -- a card!
Ross Manges Photography: what is this?