Ross Manges Photography: courtyard door
Ross Manges Photography: img_2170.jpg
Ross Manges Photography: smurf tubing for future TV above fireplace
Ross Manges Photography: img_2173.jpg
Ross Manges Photography: living room window
Ross Manges Photography: img_2183.jpg
Ross Manges Photography: this is where david wants the dog to sleep
Ross Manges Photography: img_2189.jpg
Ross Manges Photography: guest room closet
Ross Manges Photography: not sure what this is
Ross Manges Photography: master bedroom
Ross Manges Photography: master bedroom
Ross Manges Photography: david taking a shower
Ross Manges Photography: master bath sink hookups
Ross Manges Photography: network closet
Ross Manges Photography: lighting and exhaust fan
Ross Manges Photography: exhaust fan location
Ross Manges Photography: neat rounded edging