rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: John and Amy's wedding
rossbelmont: First snow of the season
rossbelmont: Something for above the fireplace, perhaps.
rossbelmont: Technically, she did wait until we got in the house to start playing with the new stickers.
rossbelmont: Tried to explain the world is small because people are the same. She says “it’s big cuz there’s lots of space.”
rossbelmont: Great trip; hate to say goodbye.
rossbelmont: Hatchling cuttlefish
rossbelmont: Hiro’s garage
rossbelmont: Sup guys.
rossbelmont: We’re gonna need a bigger rake.
rossbelmont: eCareCoordinator in the Partner Keynote
rossbelmont: Clinician setting and home setting
rossbelmont: The massive Philips booth
rossbelmont: Patient calendar
rossbelmont: Triage dashboard
rossbelmont: Backstage at the On-som'bel fashion show