[Ross]: Ross & John after landing in Victoria inner harbour (IMG_4281)
[Ross]: Self (_K5_9012)
[Ross]: Moi (_K5A9129)
[Ross]: The Rugged Outdoor Explorer (IMG_20140619_160325)
[Ross]: The Rugged Outdoor Explorer, take 2 (IMG_20140619_155744)
[Ross]: Geek Chic
[Ross]: 38,000 feet selfie (IMG_20140818_121734)
[Ross]: Married! (IMG_20141222_164029)
[Ross]: Mooooooooo!
[Ross]: Selfie (_K311996)
[Ross]: Down the barrell ()_32_3969
[Ross]: Scrubs. The closest I'll get to being a doctor. Also, remind me never to take selfies at 4.30am (20171210_043804)
[Ross]: Office antics. Spicy ramen!
[Ross]: Lazy Sundays are the best
[Ross]: Happy Halloween
[Ross]: Spooktacular
[Ross]: Friday night with this guy (20171027_202758-01)
[Ross]: Out on patrol this morning with fellow @wechcpc volunteers Brendan and Tony. This wet weather doesn't deter us!
[Ross]: Entering the vortex (_K312005)
[Ross]: In Retiro Park
[Ross]: Templo de Debod
[Ross]: JJ Bean selfie
[Ross]: En route to Vancouver
[Ross]: At False Creek
[Ross]: Gelato at Granville Island
[Ross]: Enjoying the view from Granville Street Bridge
[Ross]: Merry Christmas from John and I
[Ross]: Happy New Year from John and I in Vancouver!
[Ross]: Doing the Snow Shoe Grind
[Ross]: John and Ross on the seabus (20160819_182310)