Self (_K5_9012)
Moi (_K5A9129)
The Rugged Outdoor Explorer (IMG_20140619_160325)
The Rugged Outdoor Explorer, take 2 (IMG_20140619_155744)
Geek Chic
38,000 feet selfie (IMG_20140818_121734)
Married! (IMG_20141222_164029)
Selfie (_K311996)
Down the barrell ()_32_3969
Scrubs. The closest I'll get to being a doctor. Also, remind me never to take selfies at 4.30am (20171210_043804)
Out on patrol this morning with fellow @wechcpc volunteers Brendan and Tony. This wet weather doesn't deter us!
Entering the vortex (_K312005)
In Retiro Park
Templo de Debod
JJ Bean selfie
En route to Vancouver
At False Creek
Gelato at Granville Island
Enjoying the view from Granville Street Bridge
Merry Christmas from John and I
Happy New Year from John and I in Vancouver!
Doing the Snow Shoe Grind
John and Ross on the seabus (20160819_182310)