rospix: oct2012 oct 14th insomnia
rospix: oct2012 oct 14th more tea
rospix: oct2012 oct 14th oncoming car in fog 4.44am
rospix: oct2012 oct 14th oncoming car in the fog 4.44am
rospix: oct2012 oct 14th 4.38am headlights in the fog
rospix: moon1
rospix: sep2012 sep 24th country road
rospix: sep2012 sep 12th kettle/insomnia
rospix: apr2012 apr 21st orange candle/insomnia
rospix: dawn sky
rospix: full moon fever
rospix: moon over the hills
rospix: over the hills
rospix: for April