rospix: we're in here
rospix: the look of love
rospix: slug peers through the window/collage
rospix: 70's revisited
rospix: blue
rospix: aug2012 aug 31st window reflected in eye
rospix: aug2012 aug 31st watching the sunrise
rospix: smoky eyes
rospix: eyes 1970 to 2012
rospix: seeing the world through old eyes
rospix: collage me4 cloudy eyes
rospix: smoke gets in your eyes
rospix: collage me2/the child in my eyes
rospix: blue moon in my eyes
rospix: neighbourhood watch
rospix: eye eye
rospix: eye eye
rospix: feb2010 9th squeaky cat
rospix: 23rdnov2008 guinea eye
rospix: may 2012 may 8th disturbed sleep
rospix: 22ndmay2007 horses eye
rospix: little black kitten
rospix: oct2009 24th marvin having a cuddle
rospix: aug2012 aug 28th my eye
rospix: sep2012 sep 9th keep watching the sky
rospix: sep2012 sep 9th watching
rospix: aug2012 aug 31st lunchtime sore eyes after days of heavy chemtrail spraying
rospix: diffused sun/yellow eye