Rosina: Nationalpark Hainich(2) - butterfly (Schmetterling)
Rosina: Nationalpark Hainich (3): Glockenblumen (bell flowers)
Rosina: Nationalpark Hainich (4): little pond (kleiner See)
Rosina: Nationalpark Hainich(1) - old oak (alte Eiche)
Rosina: Hainichcollage
Rosina: silence
Rosina: spring flowers in the forest (2)
Rosina: walking through the tree tops
Rosina: spring flowers in the forest (1)
Rosina: connections
Rosina: Go!
Rosina: the spring-fairy's diadem
Rosina: walking through the treetops
Rosina: autumn light
Rosina: spring and autumn united
Rosina: the rewards of the simple life
Rosina: Carlina acaulis
Rosina: "alpine" flora in Thuringia
Rosina: One life for another
Rosina: butterfly summer party
Rosina: the privilege of owning yourself
Rosina: just be happy
Rosina: aged oak
Rosina: butterfly daydream
Rosina: Friday's Flower Power
Rosina: One life ends. Another one starts.