rosiepet: King of the road
rosiepet: Late-night playlist
rosiepet: Hummers in Selvatura park
rosiepet: Fairy wings
rosiepet: Desayuno por almuerzo
rosiepet: Spot the monkeys
rosiepet: Monteverde cloud forest
rosiepet: Roadside cross
rosiepet: Vacas
rosiepet: Canopy tour, eight bridges, zero ziplines
rosiepet: The view from here
rosiepet: Monteverde canopy
rosiepet: Botanical bird
rosiepet: Pretty flower
rosiepet: Deadly nightshade
rosiepet: From the bridge
rosiepet: Ian Koss, nature photographer
rosiepet: Bebes
rosiepet: Hummer
rosiepet: Serpent!
rosiepet: Imposing character
rosiepet: Someone's trip
rosiepet: The BEST pizza EVER
rosiepet: Leave-one, take-one at the Monteverde Whole Foods
rosiepet: My well-read guy
rosiepet: Monteverde Whole Foods
rosiepet: Monteverde Whole Foods
rosiepet: The Quaker library
rosiepet: The Quaker library runs on an honor system
rosiepet: Non-fiction