rosiepet: What I did with my morning
rosiepet: mung beans for sprouts
rosiepet: We are growing a jicama plant!
rosiepet: Goodbye, beautiful but invasive and tomato-squeezing flowers.
rosiepet: The grow box I made with Lisa
rosiepet: Trace the edge
rosiepet: That's a little vanilla bottle to mark the drain hole
rosiepet: A Talenti lid and the vanilla bottle make good templates for the shelf holes
rosiepet: mark every 9 ribs with a silver marker
rosiepet: Drill pilot holes for the jigsaw
rosiepet: Cut out the holes with a jigsaw
rosiepet: Ta da.
rosiepet: Drill 1/4" air holes in the shelf
rosiepet: Cut the 1" PVC on a 45 degree angle with a hacksaw
rosiepet: Cut the drainage pipe sections with a hacksaw
rosiepet: They should all be the same height, but you only need four.
rosiepet: Mark the three slits with the silver marker
rosiepet: Mark the zip-tie holes using the silver lines as a guide
rosiepet: Ta da number two
rosiepet: Oh my god, this is a pretty grow box.
rosiepet: Have some wine and plant seeds.