rosie.edge: Pandi church at night
rosie.edge: Pandi
rosie.edge: road into town
rosie.edge: purple plant
rosie.edge: a lounger with a view
rosie.edge: Poker
rosie.edge: carefully wrapped saint
rosie.edge: carefully wrapped saint
rosie.edge: dalmatian with green and orange
rosie.edge: view from the bar
rosie.edge: Pandi Plaza at night
rosie.edge: on the track to the Polideportivo
rosie.edge: view across the countryside
rosie.edge: mountain road
rosie.edge: the mountains
rosie.edge: by the pool
rosie.edge: view out to the plaza
rosie.edge: under the spreading tree
rosie.edge: bathing spot
rosie.edge: road out of town
rosie.edge: on the road to the bridge
rosie.edge: blue and pink
rosie.edge: grumpy-looking Brahma calf
rosie.edge: fields of tomatoes
rosie.edge: flowering tree in the plaza