pink*fish: a butterfly bush
pink*fish: "Butterflies are self propelled flowers"
pink*fish: sweet meadow life
pink*fish: exhilerated!
pink*fish: "I love deadline. I like the whooshing sound that they make as they fly by!"
pink*fish: s i m p l y
pink*fish: something big is happening today
pink*fish: b e i n g
pink*fish: .send me a sea of calm.
pink*fish: blown out of frame, oh so prettily!
pink*fish: .In a gentle way you can shake the world.
pink*fish: .And far and wide, in a scarlet tide, The poppy's bonfire spread.
pink*fish: .The poppy opes her scarlet purse of dreams.
pink*fish: pinkalicious!
pink*fish: the pink*fish returns!
pink*fish: “I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers, turned off the bed and hopped in the light, all because you kissed me goodnight”
pink*fish: “Love is a canvas pattern furnished by Nature, and embroidered by imagination.”
pink*fish: .Every dew-drop and rain-drop had a whole heaven within it.
pink*fish: "The spell is broke, the charm is flown!"
pink*fish: .We think a happy life consists in tranquility of mind.
pink*fish: .Don't tell a woman she's pretty; tell her there's no other woman like her.
pink*fish: .a single rose can be my garden.
pink*fish: .a soothing calm.
pink*fish: .i'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds 'round my neck.
pink*fish: .Ice-cream is exquisite. What a pity it isn't illegal.
pink*fish: .I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape - the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show.
pink*fish: .i like geography best, he said, because your mountains and rivers know the secret. pay no attention to boundaries.
pink*fish: For Emma & Lorenzo...THANK YOU
pink*fish: Pebble path
pink*fish: Reflection