Roshine Photography: Obit Francis Louisa Logan nee Hayes-Edit
Roshine Photography: Obit John Albert Morgan Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Curly and Elva's house F to R Elva, Curly, Marge, Pear, Francis & unknown-Edit
Roshine Photography: Front of house-Edit
Roshine Photography: Front Row second from left Margery Pearl -Edit
Roshine Photography: Wilfred & Evlas home 1948-Edit
Roshine Photography: Francis, Pearl, Unknown & Bea-Edit
Roshine Photography: L to R Pearl, Wilfred, Elva, Unkown, Marg and Francis-Edit
Roshine Photography: Rebecca Jane 'Pearl' Logan and Unknown-Edit
Roshine Photography: Left Elva Logan Centre - Wilfred Jacob Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Back Elva, unknown, Ormand, Pearl, Wilfred and lbert Front Rae, Unknown and John Wesley-Edit
Roshine Photography: Elva, John Wesley and Wilfred Jacob Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Unknown, Wilfred Jacob and Elva Viola Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Helen Beatrice Logan on Left-Edit
Roshine Photography: Back Elva, Wilfred Jacob, Rae, Parl Front Victor, Ormand and John Wesley Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Frances Louisa Hayes Feb 22 1882 Wedding with JAM Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Roy Eldon, Albert Vernon, Margery Pearl,Francis Viola and John Wesley Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Margery Pearl and John Wesley Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Hardy Logan Left and Vi Logan Right abt 1909-Edit
Roshine Photography: John Albert Morgan Logan Feb 22 1882-Edit
Roshine Photography: John Wesley Logan 1-Edit
Roshine Photography: John Wesley Logan 1927 - 2-Edit
Roshine Photography: Pearl Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: John Wesley logan 1927 -3.-Edit
Roshine Photography: Wilfred and Pearl Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: Wilfred Jacob Logan-Edit
Roshine Photography: John Albert Morgan Family 1890 back-Edit
Roshine Photography: Victor Logan, Frances Louisa Hays (Logan), Alexander Bros, and Pearl Logan 1912-Edit
Roshine Photography: Pearl Logan 1909-Edit
Roshine Photography: John Albert Morgan Logan and Frances Louisa Hayes 1918-Edit