Roshine Photography:
'The Leg'
Roshine Photography:
Donna, Dilip and Kathryn
Roshine Photography:
Donna, Dilip and Kathryn at the 'Legislature'
Roshine Photography:
Roshine Photography:
Bison Guarding the Stairway
Roshine Photography:
Across the Foyer
Roshine Photography:
The Rotundra
Roshine Photography:
Architectural Delight
Roshine Photography:
The Rotundra - Natural Light
Roshine Photography:
Roshine Photography:
To the Public Gallery
Roshine Photography:
Dilip Down the Hall
Roshine Photography:
Looking up the Stairwell B/W
Roshine Photography:
Looking Up the Stairwell
Roshine Photography:
It Always Pays to Look Up
Roshine Photography:
Looking up through the Rotundra
Roshine Photography:
Roshine Photography:
Peekaboo 2
Roshine Photography:
Geometry Makes It
Roshine Photography:
In Recognition of HRH Queen Victoria
Roshine Photography:
Approaching the Legislature
Roshine Photography:
Bitter Memories of Childhood - The Holodomar (Ukraine Famine)
Roshine Photography:
Bitter Memories
Roshine Photography:
Remembering 'Women's Rights'
Roshine Photography:
The Legislature from the South Lawn