Roshine Photography: Courthouse Towers
Roshine Photography: Curve in Road
Roshine Photography: Balanced Rock - What's on Top?
Roshine Photography: Midway Up Balanced Rock
Roshine Photography: Raven on Top
Roshine Photography: Another Balanced Rock
Roshine Photography: Standing Tall
Roshine Photography: Walking the Perimeter
Roshine Photography: Street Level
Roshine Photography: Straight Into the Light
Roshine Photography: Three Towers
Roshine Photography: Near the Windows
Roshine Photography: A Long Way Off
Roshine Photography: Yellow Flowers and Texture All Around
Roshine Photography: Down the Draw
Roshine Photography: Boulder on the Edge
Roshine Photography: From the Other Side
Roshine Photography: ROSH3593-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: ROSH3594-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: ROSH3602-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: _ROS3785-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: ROSH3668-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: ROSH3677-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: ROSH3695-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: _ROS3810-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: ROSH3697-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: _ROS3814-Edit.jpg
Roshine Photography: ROSH3698-Edit.jpg