Roseygogs: Look behind you, she has the ball not me
Roseygogs: Dog ballet
Roseygogs: Open Wide
Roseygogs: Custard and Mustard
Roseygogs: Idiot
Roseygogs: Its MINE
Roseygogs: Steal
Roseygogs: Not again!
Roseygogs: Custard and Sooty
Roseygogs: Catching some major air
Roseygogs: Jumping like a human
Roseygogs: The chase
Roseygogs: The Semi-circle
Roseygogs: Ooops i slipped
Roseygogs: Did you say TREATS?
Roseygogs: Four way tug
Roseygogs: It's a great life
Roseygogs: Oh wait, its back there!
Roseygogs: Flying dogs
Roseygogs: Pouncing
Roseygogs: Catch!