Ros Nichols:
Knightshayes in January
Ros Nichols:
Tree on Shiloette
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Parkland in B&W
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8/366 Knightshayes Parkland
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Shiloetted tree
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44/52 Muted Tones
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Knightshayes tree 3
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Knightshayes tree2
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Knightshayes tree1
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Knightshayes 12
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Knightshayes 11
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Knightshayes 10
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Knightshayes 9
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Knightshayes 8
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Knightshayes 7
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Knightshayes 6
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Knightshayes 5
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Knightshayes 4
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Knightshayes 3
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Knightshayes 2
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Knightshayes 1
Ros Nichols:
Ain't autumn beautiful
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Autumn trees
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Autumn glory
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Autumn leaves
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Golden leaves
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Seats at Knightshayes Court
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Backlit Tree
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Spring Buds
Ros Nichols:
The badger in the woods