AstroBeard: Orion's Belt and Sword (106 Stacked)
AstroBeard: Orion's Belt and Sword (re-stacked and edited)
AstroBeard: Orion's Belt and Sword (Final Edit: Gradient Removal)
AstroBeard: Orion Nebula - M42
AstroBeard: More M42 Experimentation
AstroBeard: "Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" - Betelgeuse and Bellatrix
AstroBeard: Aldebaran - Alpha Tauri
AstroBeard: Cassiopeia
AstroBeard: Double Cluster - Perseus
AstroBeard: Aldebaran & Pleiades
AstroBeard: Regulus - Labelled
AstroBeard: Regulus
AstroBeard: Double Cluster - Perseus
AstroBeard: Cygnus
AstroBeard: Herschel's Garnet Star - Mu Cephei
AstroBeard: Arcturus - Alpha Boötis
AstroBeard: Vega - Alpha Lyrae
AstroBeard: Sadr - Gamma Cygni
AstroBeard: Our Galaxy - The Milky Way
AstroBeard: Milky Way - Solarsphere Festival in Wales
AstroBeard: Herschel's Garnet Star - Mu Cephei - Second Attempt
AstroBeard: Dumbbell Nebula - M27
AstroBeard: Brocchi's Cluster - The Coat Hanger
AstroBeard: Iris Nebula - NGC7023
AstroBeard: The Hercules Cluster - M13
AstroBeard: Milky Way at 35mm
AstroBeard: Milky Way at 18mm
AstroBeard: Milky Way from Cheyne Wears
AstroBeard: Milky Way at 25mm from Cheyne Wears