Xuan Che: attica - grave sphinx stele
Xuan Che: rome - relief
Xuan Che: rome - statue
Xuan Che: greece - lion
Xuan Che: rome - statue
Xuan Che: cyprus - statues
Xuan Che: cyprus - coffin
Xuan Che: alexandria - coffin sculpture of antigone
Xuan Che: attica - law plate
Xuan Che: rome - caryatid
Xuan Che: ionia - aphrodite
Xuan Che: roman - dionysian procession
Xuan Che: attica - kore of acropolis of athens
Xuan Che: turquie - stèle funéraire du moyen euphrate
Xuan Che: romain - tête de jeune femme voilée
Xuan Che: bourgogne abbé
Xuan Che: celts - bust of marcus aurelius
Xuan Che: celts - bust of a gallo-roman
Xuan Che: celts - the horse goddess epona
Xuan Che: she-wolf of rome
Xuan Che: equestrian marcus aurelius
Xuan Che: bust of commodus as hercules
Xuan Che: horti lamiani statue
Xuan Che: fountain in the shape of a drinking horn
Xuan Che: venus capitoline
Xuan Che: augustus
Xuan Che: the wounded amazon
Xuan Che: the dying gaul
Xuan Che: cupid and psyche
Xuan Che: young dionysus