Simon_Garvey: Vasile made a friend
Simon_Garvey: The sheep are blessed as they are released
Simon_Garvey: Cheese hanging in cloths
Simon_Garvey: A knife blade is used to ensure accuracy
Simon_Garvey: The measurer is closely supervised
Simon_Garvey: Sun burst before the thunderstorm
Simon_Garvey: Waiting
Simon_Garvey: Dad's helper
Simon_Garvey: Waiting her turn.
Simon_Garvey: ...others are persuaded.
Simon_Garvey: Some sheep are sweet-talked....
Simon_Garvey: Concentration from everyone
Simon_Garvey: Sheep fed through the fence
Simon_Garvey: Ready for action
Simon_Garvey: Into a pen
Simon_Garvey: A flock arrives
Simon_Garvey: Newly cut stakes
Simon_Garvey: Fence weaving
Simon_Garvey: Stana - Sheep Milking, Maramures