rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Donkeys: Primaries in Color: Left Side
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Donkeys: Primaries in Color: Right Side
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Signs: Love is ...
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Donkeys: Wind-Up Toy
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Elephants: Atomic Weights
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Bus Stop (What do you love?)
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Leaves
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Donkeys: Black & Braille
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Donkeys: Black and Braille
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Elephants: Yellow
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Renwick Doors by Albert Paley
rosefirerising: Weaving: Metal
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Donkeys: Blue
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Elephants: Blue
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Elephants: Blue
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Elephants: Blue
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Embassy: Federal Republic of Nigeria
rosefirerising: Washington, DC: Hahnemann Statue
rosefirerising: French Quarter: Courtyard: Balcony
rosefirerising: French Quarter: Courtyard: Balcony
rosefirerising: French Quarter: Courtyard: Hallway
rosefirerising: French Quarter Inn: Courtyard
rosefirerising: Wearable Art Haori Jacket in Progress - Detail, Sleeve
rosefirerising: Wearable Art Haori Jacket in Progress - Detail, Body
rosefirerising: Wearable Art Haori Jacket in Progress - Back
rosefirerising: Wearable Art Haori Jacket in Progress - Front
rosefirerising: Chicago Aikikai: Seminar, late 90s
rosefirerising: Sakamoto Sensei in Haori Jacket
rosefirerising: Sakamoto Sensei in Haori Jacket, reversed
rosefirerising: Chicago: Touché, circa 1997?