Rosedale Annie: Goal! (for the other team)
Rosedale Annie: Big boot
Rosedale Annie: Trumpeter swans in flight
Rosedale Annie: Old growth stump
Rosedale Annie: Decay and regrowth
Rosedale Annie: Swimming!
Rosedale Annie: Bridge to nature
Rosedale Annie: Kings of the hill
Rosedale Annie: Sunset on soggy farmer's field
Rosedale Annie: Soggy cornfield
Rosedale Annie: After the corn harvest
Rosedale Annie: Tree reflected
Rosedale Annie: Winter reflection
Rosedale Annie: Awaiting the torch
Rosedale Annie: Crazy torch fans
Rosedale Annie: Transferring the flame
Rosedale Annie: Fan club
Rosedale Annie: Myles Mitchell bringing in the torch
Rosedale Annie: Awaiting its arrival in town.
Rosedale Annie: Proud torchbearer awaits
Rosedale Annie: Olympic Torch, Vancouver 2010