rosaumbra: D&D encounters 001
rosaumbra: D&D encounters 002
rosaumbra: Exploring the outer temple
rosaumbra: Tim looks so out of place amid the teens
rosaumbra: D&D encounters 4/11-and the other side of the table
rosaumbra: D&D encounters 4/11-one sid eof the table
rosaumbra: Encounters on 4/11...
rosaumbra: Bela again
rosaumbra: Bela rolls high
rosaumbra: Scheming on 4/18
rosaumbra: My shy guys on 4/18
rosaumbra: Ixy's gang on 4/18
rosaumbra: Fighting in the inner temple
rosaumbra: My gang on 4/18/12
rosaumbra: Fighting the Nothic in the dreamscape
rosaumbra: Dennis shows his inner tiefling again
rosaumbra: Assaulting the outer temple
rosaumbra: More of 4/4
rosaumbra: The group on 4/4
rosaumbra: Dennis, evil eyes showing that tiefling nature
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 001
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 002a
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 003
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 004
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 005a
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 006
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 007
rosaumbra: D&D Encounters 008