Rosa Say:
Palm tree reflections at Kūki‘o
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At pond’s edge
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Welcoming pathway
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Flourishing groundcover
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Nena ~ Seaside heliotrope
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To identify: A Portulaca?
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Kaluhā inflorescence
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Flourishing Kauna‘oa kahakai vine
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At pond’s edge
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Tropical boardwalk
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Pond ecosystem
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Lava hospitality
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Picture perfect day at the ponds
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Ae‘o, the Hawaiian stilt
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Home for the Ae‘o, the Hawaiian stilt
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Waiting for his next meal
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Pohinahina IMG_3531
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What else do you see?
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Exuberant ecosystem
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Pond nirvana
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Pohinahina Runner
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Pohinahina Runner
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Creeping Akulikuli
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Need to identify this one ~ Kīpukai or seaside heliotrope
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Sedge vibrancy
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Rock wall order
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Distinguish the greens
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Natural rock garden
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Natural rock garden