Rosa Say: An early morning start
Rosa Say: Low tide at Kūki‘o Beach
Rosa Say: Orchid Strewn
Rosa Say: Beneath the heliotrope
Rosa Say: Swirling Clouds
Rosa Say: Hualalai: Mountain and Resort
Rosa Say: Natural Shoreline Rubble
Rosa Say: Cone Shell
Rosa Say: Beached for a closer look
Rosa Say: What water can do
Rosa Say: Rocky waves
Rosa Say: Traces of olivine?
Rosa Say: Reflecting the sky
Rosa Say: Love my tabis!
Rosa Say: The yellow underbelly guys
Rosa Say: Swaying seaweed
Rosa Say: Exposed reef textures
Rosa Say: Old mooring
Rosa Say: The putty worked well
Rosa Say: Lava ridges
Rosa Say: Benign creatures
Rosa Say: Undersea colors
Rosa Say: I see you
Rosa Say: The calm of early morning
Rosa Say: Still lagoon
Rosa Say: Sand waves and my ripples
Rosa Say: Sunlight edging the water
Rosa Say: Left behind toys
Rosa Say: Rivulets
Rosa Say: Irreverent footsteps