Rosapexa: Cyberpunk 2077 Super-Resolution 2021.11.30 -
Rosapexa: Simply V
Rosapexa: I finished Cyberpunk today, but the ending hit me hard and i'm not ready to leave Night City yet. So, new game, same Nomad (with only some cosmetic changes), cause she's the one and only V for me.
Rosapexa: Nomad
Rosapexa: Nomad
Rosapexa: May i introduce to you: Alexios, the 2077 years. I did my best, but you just can't copy perfection ;-) But i'm quite happy how he turned out.
Rosapexa: I like my Cyber Misthios ;-)
Rosapexa: Bull's Eye
Rosapexa: When we kiss my heart's on fire, burning with a strange desire. And I know that every time I kiss you, that your heart's on fire, too. ~ Elvis Presley
Rosapexa: I'm the worst driver you can imagine. In absolutely every game. In fact i crash more than i drive. I usually don't like it at all. And yet i love driving (crashing) around Night City so, so much.
Rosapexa: Charming
Rosapexa: Fish
Rosapexa: Soul meets soul on lovers' lips. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rosapexa: Simple Beauty
Rosapexa: I just love these two together so, so much. And i have already way too many photos of them and yet not enough. Don't judge me, i'm just a hopeless romantic in video games.
Rosapexa: I swear, there is a motorcycle in this picture ;-)
Rosapexa: Which way?
Rosapexa: Which way?
Rosapexa: Which way?