rosa71uk: Hundreds and hundres of wands
rosa71uk: Hogwarts Model
rosa71uk: Hogwarts Architect
rosa71uk: Diagon Alley
rosa71uk: Diagon Alley
rosa71uk: Eeylops Owl Emporium
rosa71uk: Ollivanders Wand Shop
rosa71uk: Scribbulus writing instruments
rosa71uk: Aragog
rosa71uk: Nearly headless Nick
rosa71uk: Chess set Pawn
rosa71uk: 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging
rosa71uk: Dursley's house in Privet Drive
rosa71uk: The Weasley's Ford Anglia
rosa71uk: The Riddle's family Gravestone
rosa71uk: Hogwarts Bridge
rosa71uk: Door to the Chamber of Secrets
rosa71uk: The Hogwarts clock Pendulum
rosa71uk: Paintings in Dumbledore's Office
rosa71uk: Hogwarts Owl Carving
rosa71uk: Potions Classroom
rosa71uk: Gryffindor Common Room
rosa71uk: Set Scenery
rosa71uk: Chocolate Feast
rosa71uk: Ice Sculpture from the Yule Ball
rosa71uk: Model of the Great Hall
rosa71uk: Hogwarts Housepoint calculator
rosa71uk: The Great Hall
rosa71uk: Gryffindor costumes
rosa71uk: Flambeaux in the Great Hall