RoryHenry: Cornish role model for Mr Gnome
RoryHenry: Boards. St Ives.
RoryHenry: Surely he's also chaplain to the pirates?
RoryHenry: Tee hee! St Ives.
RoryHenry: Mr Gnome relished a brief visit to the small but exquisite St Ives garden of the late Dame Barbara Hepworth.
RoryHenry: Barbara Hepworth's garden, St Ives
RoryHenry: Local produce with honesty jar. St Just.
RoryHenry: Hedgerow. St Just.
RoryHenry: Cot Valley, St Just
RoryHenry: Cot Valley, St Just
RoryHenry: Land's End Youth Hostel
RoryHenry: Sunset, St Just
RoryHenry: Farm produce, honesty box, St Just
RoryHenry: Ms and Mr Brown, Sennen
RoryHenry: Paraglide. Sennen.
RoryHenry: Paraglide. Sennen.
RoryHenry: Para etc. Sennen
RoryHenry: Paragliders, Sennen