cellanr: Wayne Ting, Campus Network
cellanr: The Winkelvoss twins
cellanr: Dr Larry Brilliant
cellanr: Stewart Brand
cellanr: Jonathan Abrams
cellanr: Fred Turner
cellanr: The first mouse
cellanr: Community Memory
cellanr: Marc Webber
cellanr: Babbage machine
cellanr: Lee Felsenstein
cellanr: Chris Cox, Facebook
cellanr: Writing on the Facebook wall
cellanr: The Birches of Bebo
cellanr: Dave Morin, founder of Path
cellanr: Biz Stone of Twitter
cellanr: Howard Rheingold
cellanr: John Perry Barlow
cellanr: Harvard - birthplace of Facebook
cellanr: Andrew Weinreich, Six Degrees
cellanr: Dennis Crowley, FourSquare
cellanr: David Kirkpatrick
cellanr: Julia Angwin
cellanr: Mark Zuckerberg, Person of The Year
cellanr: Jason Scott
cellanr: Lee Felsenstein
cellanr: Dr Larry Brilliant
cellanr: Stewart Brand
cellanr: Jonathan Abrams, Friendster
cellanr: Fred Turner