rorowe8: Shop til She Drops #naji
rorowe8: Hopped Right on There #naji
rorowe8: Naji and the Shoe
rorowe8: Enlightenment #naji #cat
rorowe8: Shelved #naji #cat
rorowe8: Naji's Pedestal
rorowe8: Hard at Work
rorowe8: Ferocious (or sleepy)
rorowe8: Happy Cat
rorowe8: Naji at Rest
rorowe8: Naji in Colorado for the first time! (We took a break since my Saturn's AC sucks.)
rorowe8: Grocery Bag #naji #ThingsNajiLaysOn
rorowe8: And again... #naji #thingsnajilayson
rorowe8: How Naji Feels About Buddhist Philosophy
rorowe8: Homework #naji #thingsnajilayson
rorowe8: Her Favorite Snuggly #naji #thingsnajilayson
rorowe8: Laptop Bag #naji #thingsnajilayson