ropergees: remains of the roman villa
ropergees: Roman site
ropergees: Paul the Roman
ropergees: fossil
ropergees: Paul
ropergees: The Devil's Chimney
ropergees: The Devil's Chimney
ropergees: groovy snail
ropergees: Bevan
ropergees: goons
ropergees: DSCF0036
ropergees: wildflowers
ropergees: dry stone wall
ropergees: snail
ropergees: crops
ropergees: walking the way
ropergees: Canola fields
ropergees: wanderers
ropergees: Gemma
ropergees: canola fields
ropergees: on the walk
ropergees: a muddy gem
ropergees: Exeter B&B
ropergees: euphorbia
ropergees: Cotswold Way 2004
ropergees: Cotswold Way 2004
ropergees: Cotswold Way 2004