ropergees: royal rumble 1
ropergees: royal rumble 2
ropergees: isla with the moving faces
ropergees: greedy guts
ropergees: isla having stolen dad's icecream
ropergees: Caitlin at Puzzling World
ropergees: Paul & Isla in the maze
ropergees: in the maze
ropergees: go that way.
ropergees: Harrison at Puzzling World
ropergees: fluffy
ropergees: wanaka pier
ropergees: wanaka pier
ropergees: royal rumble 3
ropergees: dinosaur playground
ropergees: dinosaur playground
ropergees: dinosaur playground
ropergees: at the beach
ropergees: at the beach
ropergees: at the famous pub
ropergees: cardrona reserve
ropergees: vote for me
ropergees: waterfall creek
ropergees: paddling
ropergees: playing with sticks at waterfall creek
ropergees: mucking about
ropergees: mucking about
ropergees: picking up boats
ropergees: happy but cold
ropergees: stone throwing competition