sam b-r: David and Noelia enjoying a moment
sam b-r: S4-534-9646
sam b-r: S4-534-9698
sam b-r: S5-125-8957
sam b-r: S5-125-9018
sam b-r: ¡damelo!
sam b-r: javi
sam b-r: crossing
sam b-r: soaked
sam b-r: recyclo
sam b-r: vista
sam b-r: machero
sam b-r: patio life
sam b-r: hawkesque
sam b-r: float on
sam b-r: pedal power
sam b-r: you say you want a revolution
sam b-r: finger
sam b-r: shade me from your glare
sam b-r: why doesn't she call?
sam b-r: reaching
sam b-r: and sleep descended upon the many
sam b-r: dark waters
sam b-r: cog
sam b-r: spin the bottle
sam b-r: swept away
sam b-r: up up and away
sam b-r: any questions