Rooztography: 59th St. Subway
Rooztography: Salamanders
Rooztography: Dragonfly
Rooztography: 23rd St
Rooztography: 174190-R1-E026
Rooztography: 174190-R1-E025
Rooztography: Holes
Rooztography: Man on 4
Rooztography: Riding the 4
Rooztography: From the Hip on 4
Rooztography: Underground Soul
Rooztography: 172040-R1-E013
Rooztography: Union Square Platform
Rooztography: Banana Milk
Rooztography: Subway Globe
Rooztography: ConeyIslandFtrainTouchup
Rooztography: subway passing
Rooztography: Subway Damage
Rooztography: Stand Clea...
Rooztography: Waiting for the F
Rooztography: It's the V
Rooztography: V whizzing by
Rooztography: B&Wrooz
Rooztography: 179040-R1-E026
Rooztography: 179040-R1-E025
Rooztography: 179040-R1-E004
Rooztography: 178610-R1-6
Rooztography: 178610-R1-3