joeszilagyi: Guitar Busker
joeszilagyi: Photographer
joeszilagyi: 1319
joeszilagyi: Seattle Steam Company
joeszilagyi: Alki Point, seen from downtown Seattle
joeszilagyi: Reverse Seattle
joeszilagyi: The briny not so deep
joeszilagyi: Fire department rescue dummy
joeszilagyi: Beneath the Alaskan Way Viaduct
joeszilagyi: 3rd Avenue in downtown Seattle, facing north
joeszilagyi: Self portrait
joeszilagyi: He totally caught me aiming at him, for I am slow
joeszilagyi: Fishmonger and Musician
joeszilagyi: 48x zoom, a block away, 15 stories up may tell a curious tale
joeszilagyi: A mane
joeszilagyi: Neck tattoo
joeszilagyi: Daughter and Mother
joeszilagyi: Hair and wind
joeszilagyi: Time and still together
joeszilagyi: Wedding photos
joeszilagyi: Kick ass
joeszilagyi: Guitar at the Market
joeszilagyi: I totally thought this was Irene from Real World Seattle at first
joeszilagyi: Mods vs Rockers!
joeszilagyi: Alaskan ale
joeszilagyi: Feats of dexterity to astound and amaze
joeszilagyi: Cigar
joeszilagyi: The Alaskan Way Viaduct
joeszilagyi: Cargo - where is it going, and where is it coming from...