root_family: playing near the Virgin river, I have almost this exact same photo from when we were at Zion in May
root_family: playing in the Virgin river
root_family: IMG_5118
root_family: IMG_5119
root_family: view from Weeping Rock in a rainstorm
root_family: Weeping rock on steroids
root_family: Weeping rock on steroids
root_family: IMG_5134
root_family: SubwayGroupTH
root_family: descending into the canyon
root_family: descending into the canyon
root_family: Subway2
root_family: Subway3
root_family: SubwayBypass
root_family: just part of the awesome-ness that is the subway hike
root_family: IMG_5180
root_family: The Subway
root_family: IMG_5159
root_family: IMG_5162
root_family: log jam, we couldn't really get to the "waterfall room"
root_family: Matt doing his best to see into the "waterfall room"
root_family: DSCF5044
root_family: I love him!
root_family: just part of the awesome-ness that is the subway hike
root_family: classic Subway shot