Rootbeerking202: Dino Attack at the port~BAF beast contest entry!
Rootbeerking202: Dino hunters & raft, cliff and water
Rootbeerking202: Forest and sniper/spotter
Rootbeerking202: Civilians
Rootbeerking202: Cop car, cops, and escaping lumberjack
Rootbeerking202: Cargo crate & dino, dead dudes and random S.W.A.T. personnel...
Rootbeerking202: Monster mash contest entry: The killer worm snake!
Rootbeerking202: Up the road
Rootbeerking202: side veiw
Rootbeerking202: crashed car
Rootbeerking202: The union corps.
Rootbeerking202: Looking into the moster
Rootbeerking202: Crashed car and tent
Rootbeerking202: Bottom level