Roo Reynolds: People arrive at Conway Hall for interesting2007
Roo Reynolds: T-shirt collection
Roo Reynolds: Bins full of Innocent
Roo Reynolds: interesting2007 and other interesting events at the Conway Hall
Roo Reynolds: Apples!
Roo Reynolds: Adrian Gunn Wilson - 'how to split a (big) log'
Roo Reynolds: Eugenie Harvey - Changing the world for a fiver
Roo Reynolds: Richard Wilson
Roo Reynolds: To thine own self be true
Roo Reynolds: Jennifer Bell's 'nine tips for making a better erotic film'
Roo Reynolds: interesting2007 badge
Roo Reynolds: Jack Schulze - comics
Roo Reynolds: Jack Schulze - comics
Roo Reynolds: Jack Schulze - "it's not really torn"
Roo Reynolds: Chris Heathcote - the chemistry of inverse spherification
Roo Reynolds: Chris Heathcote - deconstructed egg, bacon, chips and beans
Roo Reynolds: Chris Heathcote playing with his food
Roo Reynolds: Chris Heathcote - deconstructing Egg Bacon, Chips and Beans
Roo Reynolds: Tim Milne - I like printing
Roo Reynolds: Rebecca 'Beeker' Northam - 'What I have learned from Ibsen and the Muppets'
Roo Reynolds: Tom Armitage - a series of tubes
Roo Reynolds: Tom Armitage shows another sort of pipe
Roo Reynolds: Interesting paper and crayon
Roo Reynolds: Drawing without looking
Roo Reynolds: Drawing without looking
Roo Reynolds: A (great) portait of me
Roo Reynolds: The Electroplankton Quartet
Roo Reynolds: Bobbie Johnson
Roo Reynolds: Grant McCracken's Oprah story
Roo Reynolds: Sophie Dollar - Cezanne