roomagoo1: Rie made me a playhouse
roomagoo1: I love this thing!
roomagoo1: with Rie and Aunt Anna
roomagoo1: two brothers
roomagoo1: the Magruders
roomagoo1: what a cake!
roomagoo1: make a wish
roomagoo1: special teapot cake
roomagoo1: yay for turning two!
roomagoo1: birthday celebration
roomagoo1: singing happy birthday
roomagoo1: brownie yummy
roomagoo1: icecream yummy
roomagoo1: with Uncle Sean
roomagoo1: cousin Chloe
roomagoo1: three sweet gals
roomagoo1: going for a walk
roomagoo1: I love my tea set
roomagoo1: I love my Mal Mal
roomagoo1: three muskateers
roomagoo1: jewelry making party
roomagoo1: movin groovin magruder girls!
roomagoo1: sisters in law
roomagoo1: church
roomagoo1: the Magruder clan
roomagoo1: sweet mallory
roomagoo1: push high daddy
roomagoo1: new plasma car
roomagoo1: go uncle sean!
roomagoo1: hey that's mine