rooee: happy valentine's
rooee: christmas 2008
rooee: christmas 2008
rooee: christmas 08
rooee: christmas 08
rooee: christmas 08
rooee: cheeky zac
rooee: backyard deer oct 08
rooee: witchy poo
rooee: September 2008
rooee: SOLD! January 2006
rooee: for the hunters
rooee: both represented!
rooee: 510
rooee: Tent Caterpillar nest
rooee: driveway
rooee: Ivan
rooee: helping dad!
rooee: down tree
rooee: tree down
rooee: down tree
rooee: 2nd tree down
rooee: first buds of spring
rooee: 4birds
rooee: sink bed
rooee: Shoo snake!
rooee: january08 026
rooee: january08 028
rooee: guarding the booty
rooee: clothesline2