roodborst078: Tree spirit carving.
roodborst078: Walking cane
roodborst078: Wood spirit carving
roodborst078: Wood spirit carving
roodborst078: Wood spirit carving WIP
roodborst078: Tree spirit carving.
roodborst078: Tree spirit carving.
roodborst078: Mr. Big nose Wood spirit
roodborst078: Wood spirit walking stick
roodborst078: woodspirit walking stick
roodborst078: Work in progress
roodborst078: Woodspirit Finished work
roodborst078: woodspirit
roodborst078: woodspirit
roodborst078: woodspirit
roodborst078: woodspirit
roodborst078: Woodspirit
roodborst078: Spirit of the wood
roodborst078: Spirit of the wood
roodborst078: Tree Frog
roodborst078: Work in progress Pre beard wood spirit
roodborst078: Woodspirit with braided beard
roodborst078: Wood spirit eye study
roodborst078: Woodspirit eye study part 2
roodborst078: Staff of the WoodsKing
roodborst078: Staff of the WoodsKing
roodborst078: Staff of the WoodsKing
roodborst078: Staff of the WoodsKing
roodborst078: Staff of the WoodsKing