rontaube: Common Yellowthroat Female
rontaube: Indigo Bunting Female
rontaube: Fireweed
rontaube: Dickcissel with cricket
rontaube: Least Flycatcher
rontaube: Monarch Butterfly on butterfly weed
rontaube: Black Tern
rontaube: Water Lily
rontaube: Belted Kingfisher
rontaube: Eastern Meadowlark
rontaube: Yellow throated vireo
rontaube: Yellow throated vireo
rontaube: Silver Blue Butterfly
rontaube: Eastern Towhee
rontaube: Eastern Towhee
rontaube: Eastern Meadowlark
rontaube: Golden Winged Warbler
rontaube: Olive Sided Flycatcher
rontaube: Scarlet Tanager
rontaube: Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly
rontaube: Silvery Checkerspot
rontaube: Tree Swallow feeding baby
rontaube: Common Gallinule (Moorehen) with chick
rontaube: Common Gallinule (Moorehen) with chick
rontaube: Belted Kingfisher
rontaube: Eagle Family
rontaube: Gallinule Imm. (Moorehen)
rontaube: Wilson's Snipe
rontaube: Wilson's Snipe
rontaube: Otters