ronniegoyette: Mr Friendly
ronniegoyette: Mr Friendly
ronniegoyette: Another St Louis Wild Bird Sanctuary photo
ronniegoyette: Red tailed hawk from Pacific Wildlife Care
ronniegoyette: Tastes like chicken, but looked like squirrel
ronniegoyette: Best seat in the house
ronniegoyette: Bringing home dinner
ronniegoyette: Osprey with fish tail
ronniegoyette: Red Shouldered Hawk
ronniegoyette: Determined
ronniegoyette: Three Turkey Vultures
ronniegoyette: Vulture
ronniegoyette: Is this any way to treat me?
ronniegoyette: The waiting has ended, thank G_d!
ronniegoyette: Female Kestrel
ronniegoyette: Heavy tail wind
ronniegoyette: Hawk with a long tail...
ronniegoyette: Mating time
ronniegoyette: Spring is in the air....
ronniegoyette: Peregrine Falcon
ronniegoyette: Waving to his fans....
ronniegoyette: Guess lunch didn't agree with me....
ronniegoyette: The perch
ronniegoyette: Tastes like chicken...
ronniegoyette: Ready for dinner
ronniegoyette: Teamwork
ronniegoyette: St Louis Zoo
ronniegoyette: Coot and eagle fly by