ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Dad with a kitten
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Luke looks especially happy on Christmas morning. (He was 8 then.)
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Jenna looks about to throw a temper-tantrun on Christmas morning. (She was 4 1/2.)
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Jenna is out in limbo in Jamaica
ronnie44052: Mom, Luke and Jenna get ready to leave me at Westminster Highlands for summer camp. (Look at them all in Westminster Highlands T-shirts.)
ronnie44052: Me outside our house with some cats
ronnie44052: The view from my sister's bedroom window
ronnie44052: This picture I took of Wolfy won me an award from the local newspaper. I never figured out what was so great about it.
ronnie44052: Me with Spottie. I was in sixth grade.
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Dad opens a toolbox Luke made him for Christmas. (Nice Civil War hat, Luke.)
ronnie44052: Me with BIG eyes on Christmas morning
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: My first-grade class on Halloween. (You can see my arm, and that's about it, on the back left. I was a patchwork clown.)
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Jenna with a camp counselor at Westminster Highlands
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Me with some of my friends, jenna and one of Luke's friends in the pool. (Notice the butt in the background?)
ronnie44052: Kittens
ronnie44052: Kittens
ronnie44052: Luke with a kitten the back of the photo says was named Calvin. I'm guessing that's because we had a cat named Hobbes. Luke was in sixth grade in this picture.
ronnie44052: Our house (that's the minivan I totaled my senior year of high school)
ronnie44052: Me outside our house with a cat
ronnie44052: A kitten and a pumpkin
ronnie44052: CHILDHOOD: Granddad, Grandma, Mom with Baby Jenna, Pat and Kay on the steps of Grandma's porch
ronnie44052: A kitten in the flower bed
ronnie44052: Spottie
ronnie44052: Luke with Hobbes, his favorite cat. Can you see the reflection of the picture-taker in the window? It looks like it was me.
ronnie44052: A kitten
ronnie44052: Kittens
ronnie44052: Westminster Highlands summer 1992
ronnie44052: Westminster Highlands church camp, summer 1989
ronnie44052: Anna's house at Halloween