Scott Grant:
Marbled Godwit Portrait, Fort DeSoto
Scott Grant:
Least Sandpiper
Scott Grant:
Gros Morne Semipalmated Plover
Scott Grant:
Codroy Greater Yellowlegs Raised Foot Reflection
Scott Grant:
Juvenile Sanderling
Scott Grant:
Burgeo Piping Plover
Scott Grant:
Tender Moment, Spotted Sandpipers
Scott Grant:
Juvenile Semipalmated Plover, Western Brook Beach in Gros Morne National Park
Scott Grant:
Immature Ruddy Turnstone Portrait, Western Brook Beach
Scott Grant:
Short Billed Dowitcher
Scott Grant:
Piping Plover on Nest
Scott Grant:
Spotted Sandpiper Chick, Bakers Brook, Gros Morne
Scott Grant:
Spotted Sandpiper Chick Showdown with Prey
Scott Grant:
Greater Yellowlegs in High Key
Scott Grant:
Endangered Piping Plover on Nest
Scott Grant:
Watch Your Step!
Scott Grant:
Least Sandpiper on Stone. Bakers Brook Shoreline. Gros Morne National Park.
Scott Grant:
Least Sandpiper lookback. Bakers Brook Shoreline. Gros Morne National Park.
Scott Grant:
Foraging Spotted Sandpiper, Bakers Brook, Gros Morne
Scott Grant:
Spotted Sandpiper Bakers Brook
Scott Grant:
Sandpiper Bakers Brook
Scott Grant:
semipalmated sandpiper look back on seaweed
Scott Grant:
greater yellowlegs posing on one leg wild cove
Scott Grant:
staring semipalmated sandpiper bakers brook
Scott Grant:
resting semipalmated sandpiper bakers brook
Scott Grant:
juvy semipalmated pover closeup bakers brook
Scott Grant:
semipalmated sandpiper on one leg bakers brook
Scott Grant:
Juvy Semi-Palmated Plover, Bakers Brook, Gros Morne, Newfoundland
Scott Grant:
Greater Yellowlegs with Prey, Wildcove, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland
Scott Grant:
spotted sandpiper on stone