Ronda Hamm:
Photographer frustration?
Ronda Hamm:
Ronda Hamm:
Sea Urchin
Ronda Hamm:
Great Egret and Morro Rock
Ronda Hamm:
Otter mother & pup
Ronda Hamm:
Sea Otter
Ronda Hamm:
Eared Grebe
Ronda Hamm:
Brown Pelican
Ronda Hamm:
Wave capture
Ronda Hamm:
Avila Humpbacks
Ronda Hamm:
Now I lay me down to sleep....
Ronda Hamm:
Shhh, I'm going to get him
Ronda Hamm:
Why's the sun so bright while napping?
Ronda Hamm:
Surf Scooter-Melanitta perspicillata
Ronda Hamm:
Pssst are you awake?
Ronda Hamm:
Stop in the name of kelp
Ronda Hamm:
Well hello
Ronda Hamm:
"Mom people are watching"
Ronda Hamm:
Three of a kind
Ronda Hamm:
Wait for me mom. [Explored]
Ronda Hamm:
Happy Sea Otter
Ronda Hamm:
Surf Scoter with an itch
Ronda Hamm:
I wear my heart on my head, so does that mean I follow my heart or my head?
Ronda Hamm:
Come here you little rascal
Ronda Hamm:
That fish was this big
Ronda Hamm:
Osprey that got away
Ronda Hamm:
On the Boardwalk
Ronda Hamm:
Ronda Hamm:
Juvenile Western Scrub Jay
Ronda Hamm:
Shake it off