Ron Coleman:
Marble staircase, U.S. Supreme Court
Ron Coleman:
Crusader ruins - St. Mary's German Hospice, near the Western Wall
Ron Coleman:
Stairs, Passaic Station
Ron Coleman:
Stairs to Tudor Grove Playground
Ron Coleman:
Lobby and stairs, Newark historic courthouse
Ron Coleman:
Lobby and stairs, US Chamber of Commerce
Ron Coleman:
Detail, Riverside Park
Ron Coleman:
Stairs, trees, tracks
Ron Coleman:
Up the stairs, Riverside Park
Ron Coleman:
Stone stairs, Riverside Park
Ron Coleman:
Winding stairs, Riverside Park
Ron Coleman:
Steps to overpass, 42nd Street
Ron Coleman:
Ancient pathway in the Old City
Ron Coleman:
Clerks office and corridor, Appellate Division, First Department
Ron Coleman:
Gilded stairwell, Appellate Division, First Department
Ron Coleman:
First Department Courthouse, Stairwell
Ron Coleman:
Lobby view Appellate Division, First Department
Ron Coleman:
Elevator bank, First Department
Ron Coleman:
Rotunda area, Newark historic courthouse
Ron Coleman:
Historic courthouse, Essex County (Newark) NJ
Ron Coleman:
The Authority of Law
Ron Coleman:
Park Avenue Synaogue
Ron Coleman:
Eastern District of New York Bankruptcy Court
Ron Coleman:
Supreme Court and sky
Ron Coleman:
Mural, First Department Courthouse
Ron Coleman:
Waiting area, lobby, First Department Appellate Division
Ron Coleman:
Side entrance, Moynihan Courthouse -- U.S. District Court, Manhattan
Ron Coleman:
Stairwell, First Department Courthouse
Ron Coleman:
Bais Torah Utefilah
Ron Coleman:
From Foursquare - Description to come (may be duplicates)